The versatility that characterizes our services

We offer a wide variety of functionalities that enrich our proposal.


When 160 characters is not enough, concatenation of multiple text messages is possible to convey the required information.


Did you know that text messaging supports the use of emojis? No need to settle for words, add color and fun to your mobile content.

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Accurate number validation is critical for effective communication with customers, saving money and increasing the return on investment in messaging services.

Delivery Confirmations

A key aspect of the services provided by Dinama is the ability to know the final status of each alert sent to cell phones, which gives companies additional information about their level of communication with their customers.

Transaction ID

Depending on the type of interaction between the customer and the service, the existence of a Transaction Identifier can help to group and track different transactions over one or multiple channels.

Word filtering and anti-spam mechanisms

Phishing frauds have become very common nowadays. As a fraud prevention initiative, customers can select keywords to be included in alerts as a measure of protection against phishing, thus ensuring that the alerts were indeed sent by the service.

Exclusive or Shared short codes

Depending on the type of service and the objective to be achieved, it is possible to choose exclusive or shared short codes.

Six 9's Availability

Dinama's platform offers high availability thanks to its architecture and technology implemented on the cloud, providing the reliability that companies need to establish a reliable communication with their customers.

24 hour monitoring and support

Our technical team constantly monitors the status of the platform ensuring that the services are operational and offering the necessary support to our customers in case of any inconvenience.

Automatic management of service registrations and cancellations

In order to comply with industry regulations, the management of service registrations and cancellations is of great importance, in order to avoid scenarios that could be considered as spamming in any of the available channels.


Risk Management and Data Protection Policy

We comply with industry standards in terms of data protection requirements. Internal policies and procedures are developed and implemented to achieve this goal.

Convergent Directory

We own and maintain a Multi-Channel user database, so that in case a message cannot be delivered through one channel, an alternative route to the same user can be established through another channel.

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